
Oops, the NDP did it again

Posted in Uncategorized by gritchik on June 27, 2011

The cover of the NDP platform, also a stock photo. But from an American company this time. They did some work on this one, but here it is in all it’s photoshopped glory.

Check it out. And thanks to the super sleuth who passed it along.



13 Responses

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  1. SM said, on June 27, 2011 at 7:28 pm

    So what? Everyone uses stock. There are a couple of Canada-based agencies, but 75% of their content is from outside Canada. Even All Canada Photos carries outside Canada material.

  2. SM said, on June 27, 2011 at 10:24 pm

    Additionally, they may have purchased it from Canada’s First Light Associated Photographers, here:

    or from Canada’s Masterfile Images, here:

    OR, Tetra Images, the agency which distributes the image to Superstock, First Light, Masterfile, , may in fact represent the work of Canadian photographers. Without the name of the photographer, you can’t say where the image comes from. Lots of Canadian shooters have their material represented in non-Canadian agencies.

  3. Bill Stewart said, on June 28, 2011 at 8:36 am

    I’m trying to understand your angle, is the “problem” theft/plagiarism or outsourcing. If the latter, I didn’t noticed your outrage when the Ontario Liberals outsourced the purchase of Ontario flags to China in order to save a measly $5 per flag. Is the real problem the free fall of the Ontario Liberals and your attendant desperation and groping for some mud that will stick.

    Anyway, there’s an easy solution for you gritchik, abandon that opportunistic, unprincipled, sinking ship you call a political party and join a party with ethics and integrity. Really, you seem far too intelligent to be a Liberal. The Liberal Party is for opportunists of middling intelligence, who’ve read enough books too make them think they know something, but not enough books to realize they know nothing.

    Seriously, why are you a Liberal? All indications are that you don’t belong there. You are intelligent, clever, progressive, social justice minded. There’s nothing for you in that wee red tent. Kinsella, Cherniak, Bowie, and Curran, yes. You, not so much πŸ™‚

    • gritchik said, on June 28, 2011 at 9:27 am

      My issue with the NDP platform (in addition to it seriously lacking any real substance) re: the stock photos is the lack of authenticity and the blatant hypocrisy.

      I would suggest that the party which is opportunistic and unprincipled is your own. Horwath, trying to build on the federal “orange crush,” is attempting to move closer to the centre, relying heavily on basic populist policy statements that won’t really make a difference in people’s lives (“making people healthy, not wealthy”) and at the same time trying to rebranded itself by borrowing Tory blue to complete the makeover.

      And Horwath’s comments about “not giving it up all at once” were embarrassing to women. Perhaps next she’ll tell us that no one’s going to buy the cow if you’re giving away the milk for free.

      Thank you for the (undeserved) compliments. I’ll stick with the Grits, thanks – its membership is full of intelligent, clever progressives. Regardless of what you think, they are the party that best supports my personal beliefs.

      And be careful how you talk about my friends…

      • SM said, on June 28, 2011 at 12:12 pm

        Let’s visit the Liberal site, then, shall we, and count the number of stock shots: a red telephone, a Canada Flag, the graphics are probably stock as well.

        That group shot on the liberal site that comes up when you move your mouse over the Liberal Party tab? It comes from here:

        So, is the Liberal party a bunch of hypocrites for using stock? I guess, by your logic, they are as well. Or, maybe, you just have limited understanding of where marketers and design agencies get their a lot of the images….

      • gritchik said, on June 28, 2011 at 9:16 pm

        The hypocrisy comes from the fact that the Ontario NDP have a piece of policy in its platform that states they will create a law banning Ontario money be spent outside the province. Yet they spend their own money outside the province. That’s the hypocrisy. You use the federal Liberal Party as your example of the same issue – no, they’re not hypocritical for using stock. If the stock photo was of Canadians (given they represent the entire country), no, I wouldn’t fault them for it. If it was a stock photo of non-Canadians? Most definitely.

        For the record I don’t have a “limited understanding” of the use of stock images, as you suggest. I do have a limited tolerance for bullshit, however. If want to keep visiting my site, you’re welcome to do so. If you want to keep insulting me, go somewhere else.

      • Bill Stewart said, on June 28, 2011 at 2:55 pm

        Sorry I still don’t understand. Is any use of stock photos inauthentic or is there something in the ONDP platform against the use of paid licensing, to a Canadian company for use of stock photography.

        Anyway, if you have substantive critiques why not reveal those rather than attempting to make political hay out of nothing. I for one would actually value a real analysis of the planks of the ONDP platform as they are released, especially from a non- Dipper.

        About Andrea, who, although not my original choice for leader, has really come into her own and found her groove as leader, and her move to the centre. Wasn’t she the one who recently refused to back away from the word socialism? Strategically, moving to the centre would probably be a better move to siphon the Liberal vote, but I admire that she was willing to claim the word socialism, for it’s not at all a dirty word, it’s only ignorance and fear that make it so. The ONDP is still socialist in its vision of an ideal society, just practical and pragmatic in getting there.

        The NDP is authentically populist and thus should use populist slogans, unlike the Liberals who are elitist and in the pockets of big business and thus their tendency to campaign from the left is pure contrived posturing to wrest votes from progressives. I mean, Count Ignatieff urging the folk the Rise Up! Really???

        (This paragraph was deleted – GC).

        Anyway, our door will always be open to you, if you ever decide it might be a better home. You wouldn’t be the first progressive to realize that you’re not well served by the Liberal Party. The exec of our riding association has grown to include precisely such former Liberals.

      • gritchik said, on June 28, 2011 at 9:46 pm

        Just so everyone knows, I deleted a paragraph in Bill Stewart’s comment. You don’t get to slander my friends (not friends in quotes, Bill. Friends.) when they’re not here to defend themselves.

        My, how quick to judgement you are. Liberals are elitists? Really? Lots of Liberals have incredibly humble beginnings. Myself included. I sit on the left side of the Party to be sure, but I am a liberal. And a Liberal.

        RE: Ignatieff. If you hang out here, you’d know I’m not a fan. The whole Rise Up thing was stupid.

        For the record, it’s my website, I can make hay out of whatever I choose. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else.

  4. Bill Stewart said, on June 28, 2011 at 11:04 pm

    GC: Yes you make hay out of anything you’d like, and I can express my dissatisfaction with your doing so. And if you’re not interested in dissent and debate- which doesn’t sound like you- then you don’t have to post my comment.

    I completely respect your right and decision to edit your comments section, although I’m a little surprised by it, given how brazen you can be at times. For the record, the deleted portions were not slanderous and referred to public record, which one day if I ever meet you I’d love to hear your perspective on the incidents I mentioned.

    I don’t say Liberals are elitist as a personal judgment, but as a matter of historical fact. I’m here referring more precisely to the Party and to Liberal ideology not to individual “Liberals”, most of whom have little clue about the history and trajectory of Liberal ideology. Most Liberals I’ve met equate liberalism with Pierre Trudeau and are attracted by a perennial, powerful, self-entitled winner- regardless of the politics involved. Simple rule, follow the money trail and you’ll see to whom each of the parties are truly beholden. Really, calling the Liberal Party elitist should hardly raise anyone’s eyebrow.

    I’m more and more convinced that given one day of genuine, open debate and discussion, I’d turn you into a Dipper, or worse. πŸ™‚

    • gritchik said, on June 28, 2011 at 11:38 pm

      I have no problem with dissent and debate, but, alas, I am bored with this subject. We will have to agree to disagree.

      On the Kinsella, Curran, etc., points, too. It was hardly objective public record. I am very familiar with the incidents you mentioned and I stand behind my friends.

      Outside of being a conservative with a tiny black heart, what could possibly be worse than turning me into a Dipper??

      • Bill Stewart said, on June 29, 2011 at 9:28 am

        Other than out of chauvinistic loyalty, I can’t think on what grounds one could possibly defend those incidents. Only because I respect your intelligence, I would love at some point to hear your rationale for standing behind such a record. I mean, even some Liberals thoroughly condemned the smears. The public record is objective, perhaps you disagree with the conclusions drawn from that record.

        I think one of the lessons of May 2 was to reveal how interchangeable the Liberals and Conservatives really are. (after all, what you have is Pro Capitalist in the pockets of Big Business Party A and Pro Capitalist in the pockets of Big Business Party B). It wasn’t vote splitting in Ontario that gave Harper his majority; it was Liberals, forced with choosing between the NDP and the Conservatives, running into the waiting arms of Stephen Harper. What was made clear on May 2 is that the LPC is redundant and the only alternative to Harper is a truly different ideology (social democracy).

        Anyway, worse than turning you into a Dipper, would be to turn you into a full fledged socialist. Peace…

  5. SM said, on June 29, 2011 at 11:17 am
    From the Ontario Liberal site, “Our Plan” photo,
    From the Ontario Liberal site, “Donate” tab.
    From the Ontario Liberal site, “Volunteer” tab.
    From the Ontario Liberal site, “Fair Drug Prices” page.

    Because the Ontario Liberals are showing their “lack of authenticity and the blatant hypocrisy.”

    Trying to slam someone for using stock is like complaining that they wear cotton socks.

    • gritchik said, on June 29, 2011 at 7:51 pm

      Your party just admitted it was wrong.

      Now go away.

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