
To GritChik, with love…

Posted in Uncategorized by gritchik on October 1, 2011

I get letters…

This one’s a doozy. Joseph is pissed because I didn’t post his first comment, which had I, would’ve been subject to legal action. He sent this in reply to my post on the new pro-tolerance website,

Here’s his rant. Comments are open.

“Only when the Libs/NDP apoligise for their anti- Christian, anti-man, anti- traditional family views/ statements and policies, should the Ont. Tories think about apoligising- and then- STAND BEHIND THEIR COMMENTS!!!! It never ceases to amaze me how the left can say ANYTHING, and its never called out for its hateful bigotry, intolerance, and legalised discrimination/ double standards. But the Tories are expected to “Im sorry” everytime they sneeze too loud! Now I know this is in part the fault of the LEFT WING LIBERAL/NDP SUPPORTING news media. Hell, call them what hey are- public relation arms of the Lib/NDP parties, but I will not sit silent in the face of the social norm/LIE that everything the left says and does is good, virtuous, angelic, and above reproach, while the right is dishonestly equated with Hitler. The reason the Tories cant gain traction is because they are afraid of being real Conservitives. Wishy-washy wont cut it. We need to STOP trying to please the left- they are the enemy of society, the economy, western world. They are Marxist/Stalinist/Mao loving tyrants who cant wait to gain full power and build gulags to ” re educate” (exterminate) their enemies, all the while passing them selves off the sole defenders of rights, respect, tolerance, and virtue. They need to be defeated, DE FUNDED, and their evil, ideoligy and agendas sent into the ranks of history, w/ the other evils like the 3rd Rietch, Stalinist Russia, and all other tyranical murderous corrupt regimes.”

9 Responses

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  1. Jymn (@Jymn) said, on October 1, 2011 at 4:05 pm

    Thank god for Saturday morning cartoons. Thanks Joseph for the laughs. In this day of the ‘Tory’, we need ’em.

  2. Paul Raposo said, on October 1, 2011 at 4:22 pm

    The reason the Tories cant gain traction is because they are afraid of being real Conservitives. Wishy-washy wont cut it. We need to STOP trying to please the left- they are the enemy of society, the economy, western world.

    I wish Conservatives would speak out like Joseph wishes they would–then they’d be wiped off the political landscape forever.

  3. Jason King said, on October 1, 2011 at 4:39 pm

    To put it mildly someone has issues

  4. sassy said, on October 1, 2011 at 4:45 pm

    Did this email-rant arrive with kool-aid stains on it?

    • sassy said, on October 1, 2011 at 5:49 pm

      whoops rant not email rant 😦

      • Christian said, on October 1, 2011 at 7:14 pm

        Oh great! Another reason to be pissed at gritchik. Why does she not have an edit function on her blog?

        Sassy, I think email~rant works just fine, for what it’s worth.

  5. Christian said, on October 1, 2011 at 5:20 pm

    Well in Joseph’s defense, I too am pissed that you didn’t post my first comment! Okay, I didn’t actually make one, but still! Couldn’t you have least come up with something on my behalf? Sheesh! 🙂

    As far as his rant goes, this about sums up teabagger Joe’s brain damage:

    but I will not sit silent in the face of the social norm/LIE that everything the left says and does is good, virtuous, angelic, and above reproach, while the right is dishonestly equated with Hitler. snip

    We need to STOP trying to please the left- they are the enemy of society, the economy, western world. They are Marxist/Stalinist/Mao loving tyrants who cant wait to gain full power and build gulags to ” re educate” (exterminate) their enemies, all the while passing them selves off the sole defenders of rights, respect, tolerance, and virtue.

    They need to be defeated, DE FUNDED, and their evil, ideoligy and agendas sent into the ranks of history, w/ the other evils like the 3rd Rietch, Stalinist Russia, and all other tyranical murderous corrupt regimes.

    He seems to have the same disease most wingnuts do. Blatant, retarded hypocrisy.

  6. CastorRouge said, on October 1, 2011 at 8:39 pm

    Wow, Joseph is still around? I would of thought his head would of popped from an aneurysm by now, all the pent of rage bottled there.

    He does give me an idea however that I think is worth pursuing. What is the correlation between excessive punctuation, particularly exclamation points, the use of capital letters and one’s mental health? Seriously, if we could devise a standard written test to gauge this we could identify thousands of people in dire need of attention. Joseph’s letters could be to psychiatry what Rorschach blots used to be.

  7. WesternGrit said, on October 2, 2011 at 12:25 am

    Perhaps if some of these yahoos went to school, learned to read and write, and woke up to reality, they might just become remotely tolerant. This one doesn’t appear to have made it past Gr. 6 (judging by spelling and grammar).

    It never ceases to astonish me how expressing rights for maligned minorities is in some way “attacking” the privileged classes of the majority community – according to these ignorant folk.

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