
Random thoughts over the past week

Posted in Uncategorized by gritchik on October 14, 2011

I tried, and failed, to post over the last week because I couldn’t find anything truly interesting to write about. I’m one of those strange people who enjoys election campaigns – there’s always things to write about and in this post-election refractory period, it’s, well, kind of dull. And the federal stuff just isn’t interesting anymore… Another Conservative minister accused of improper travel. Harper’s trying to control the media (which is so 2006). The Tories are bullying the unions again. Yawn.

So here’s just a few things I thought about in the last week:

My Blackberry is feeling neglected. While RIM was on hiatus, I uploaded the new Apple iOS5 to my iPhone – love it! iMessage works great, the push notifications are awesome and new emails show up on my home screen (I no longer need to refresh to see new mail). Having mastered the Apple keyboard some time ago, I’m now preferring it to my berry. Oh, and there’s an app called “Friend Finder” that Champ and I have renamed “iStalker”. Now I just have to figure out how to install it on my kids’ iPhones without them knowing about it…

This still bothers me. As the mother of teenagers, including a son who’s into punk rock and skateboarding, there are times they wear things I disapprove of and, even though I want to, I rarely intervene. Unless a skirt is too short or too much skin is exposed or if I just can’t fight the urge to hike my son’s jeans back up. But I’m just a regular mom and not the leader of a major political party who took my son with me to vote on election day morning wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the title of a misogynistic song and the metal band who sings it. I don’t think Horwath has ever commented on this. She should.

I’m looking forward to see what the next Liberal Cabinet looks like. We know Duncan’s staying put but we could see some major changes. With a couple of ministers having chosen not to run and a couple of others losing their seats on the 6th, we could see new faces in some major portfolios.

My dogs. Well, one of them in particular. He’s a bit of a pain in the ass – he likes to eat things he shouldn’t like the time on Christmas Eve when he ate two entire Terry’s Dark Chocolate Oranges. He’s 11 pounds; he shouldn’t be alive anymore. Anyway, this week he got into my bag and ate a lipstick, a pack of gum and a couple of DayQuils. Sigh.

That’s it. That’s all I’ve got.

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  1. gard said, on October 14, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    T-shirt still bothers me, too.

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